A-Certified Scrum Master
Scrum origins9 Topics
Scrum Origins LOs
How is Scrum aligned with the Agile Manifesto ?
Video : Agile Manifesto
Teach back Scrum and Agile Manifesto alignement
Video : History of Scrum
Scrum timeline
Inspection and adaptation in Scrum events
Video : Empiricism in Scrum
Scrum Benefits & Empiricism: A Stakeholder Explanation Challenge
Scrum Origins LOs
Grow as a Scrum Master, become a leader5 Topics
Scrum Team8 Topics|1 Quiz
Scrum Team LOs
A great team you were part of
Effective Team vs Group of people (exercise and videos)
Video: The 5 dysfunctions of a team
Case study : Motivation Standstill, part 1
Case study Motivation Standstill, part 2
Case study Motivation Standstill, part 3
Video: Definition of Done (to think about doing it or not, as already many videos in this lesson)
Scrum Team LOs
Service to the Product Owner8 Topics
Service to the Organisation7 Topics|2 Quizzes
Scrum Master as a Facilitator1 Topic
Scrum Master as a Coach4 Topics|1 Quiz
Scaling Scrum6 Topics|3 Quizzes
eXtreme Programming4 Topics
Kanban5 Topics|2 Quizzes
More Practice, More real life examples1 Topic
Participants 1
5.1 evaluate three situations when transparency, inspection, and adaptation are not working effectively. (1 situation in this chapter)
5.1 practice resolving the root cause of an organizational impediment.
Examples of resolution methods: Root cause analysis; 5 Whys; Causal Loop Diagrams; peedboat retrospective
5.2 discuss at least three possible impacts to your Scrum Team or organization that could result if your Scrum Team adopted the latest definition of Scrum.
Example questions regarding the impacts of new Scrum Guide adoption: Based on the Scrum Guide 2020, what are some differences between their current adoption and the way Scrum is described? Would it help to change the current practices?
Zakaria: Cross-functional teams – Self-Management causes changes in the role of the manager
5.7 describe the nature of complex systems.
Examples for the nature of complex systems: large numbers of interacting elements; the system is dynamic; elements evolve with one another and with the environment; unpredictability. [David Snowden: A Leader’s Framework for Decision Making/Cynefin]
5.8 describe at least two approaches for catalyzing organizational change.
Examples for organizational change frameworks: Lewin’s change management model; The McKinsey
7-S model; Kotter’s theory; Nudge theory; ADKAR; Bridges’ transition model; Kübler-Ross’ change curve; The Satir change management model.