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A-Certified Scrum Master

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  1. Scrum origins
    9 Topics
  2. Grow as a Scrum Master, become a leader
    5 Topics
  3. Scrum Team
    7 Topics
    1 Quiz
  4. Service to the Product Owner
    8 Topics
  5. Service to the Organisation
    7 Topics
    2 Quizzes
  6. Scrum Master as a Facilitator
    1 Topic
  7. Scrum Master as a Coach
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  8. Scaling Scrum
    6 Topics
    3 Quizzes
  9. eXtreme Programming
    4 Topics
  10. Kanban
    5 Topics
    2 Quizzes
  11. More Practice, More real life examples
    1 Topic
Lesson Progress
0% Complete

6.4 express at least three attributes of an effective leader.

Examples of effective leadership: There are many sources for this. Most of them include selfawareness, a focus on developing others, good communication skills, inclusiveness, decisiveness, encouraging behavior.

6.5 demonstrate one or more attributes of a leader.

Examples of how leadership attributes can be demonstrated: experience report, role-play in class.

1.4 rank at least five personality traits of an excellent Scrum Master.

Examples of personality traits: There is no right or wrong. A possible collection of personality traits for a Scrum Master could be: Flexibility, creativity, passion, empathy, trustworthiness, sense of humor [adopted from]; adjectives: proactive, curious, humble, improving, learning, responsible, committed.

6.1 analyze your fulfillment of the Scrum values and how you could improve.

Examples of how to evaluate personal fulfilment might include using a radar chart or other scale. A journal is also possible.