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A-Certified Scrum Master

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  1. Scrum origins
    9 Topics
  2. Grow as a Scrum Master, become a leader
    5 Topics
  3. Scrum Team
    8 Topics
    1 Quiz
  4. Service to the Product Owner
    8 Topics
  5. Service to the Organisation
    7 Topics
    2 Quizzes
  6. Scrum Master as a Facilitator
    1 Topic
  7. Scrum Master as a Coach
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  8. Scaling Scrum
    6 Topics
    3 Quizzes
  9. eXtreme Programming
    4 Topics
  10. Kanban
    5 Topics
    2 Quizzes
  11. More Practice, More real life examples
    1 Topic
Lesson 3, Topic 7
In Progress

Case study Motivation Standstill, part 3

Zakaria June 17, 2024
Lesson Progress
0% Complete

You have the choice of doing one of the alternatives.

Alternative 1:

One of the actions the team identified during the retrospective is creating a Definition of Done.

The team is working on developing a smart agriculture equipment (Hardware).

With at least 2 others (friends, collegues, family members, …) pretend to be that team. 

Use min specs liberating structure to facilitate the session for them:

  • Ask them individually to generate a list of all criteria (in sticky notes) they think about for one minute, then consolidate and expand with your team for 2 minutes.
  • Each team tests each criterion on its list : if the criterion can be violated and the purpose of quality still achieved, the item is dropped from the list.
  • Do a second round if needed.

Upload a document (2 pages max) including: How it went? what are your learnings? the Definition of Done you got from the session. Optional, but appreciated: Pictures of the board at every step.

Alternative 2

Exercise 1: Think of a team you worked with, and for which you facilitated the creation or improvement of a strong Definition of Done.

Upload a document (2 pages max) including: How it went? what are your learnings? the Definition of Done you got from the session.

Exercise 2: This is a Definition of Done of Marketing Campaigns: Digital Ads (Facebook, Instagram and linkedIn). Update a document (less than 1 page) or a 5  minutes video where you review it:

Definition of Done:

  • Campany Style guide respected
  • Spell-check is OK by the software and by another team member
  • Print-ready pdf created and placed in the shared xyz folder
  • Test print is OK
  • Acceptance critera checked
  • Old brochures been replaced are put in the archive folder